Through STARS-PCP, five leading European hospitals use the European Commission’s pre-commercial procurement (PCP) contractual scheme to challenge the European industry to design, develop and test a resilient support tool for patients, planned for surgery, with the aim of reducing stress during the entire care path.
Phase III aims to verify and compare the performance (interoperability, scalability, etc.) of different solutions in real-life operational conditions of the targeted public service. The main output of this phase usually includes a test product specification, a field test and an updated cost/benefit evaluation.
FORTH-HCI partakes in the development of the CARINAE solution, which is built bottom-up from the patient’s perspective and their needs in mind. The solution aims to provide an innovative and sustainable tool for patients scheduled for surgery and their caregivers to reduce their stress and anxiety during the entire care path.
The STARS Project aims to address an advanced eHealth-based concept for tailored avoidance and/or reduction of healthcare related stress, beginning as early as in the preclinical phase, proceeding during their hospitalisation until the end of the aftercare period.