
Since the late 1980s, the initiatives of the Head and the research activities of the Laboratory have actively contributed to Research and Development activities fostering the development of an "Information Society for All" promoting inclusion and advocating for the positive impact of new technologies on society.

Activities with a significant international and national footprint include the writing of White Papers and monographs, the editing of collective volumes, the establishment and editing-in-chief of prestigious international scientific journals, the establishment and organization of a series of international conferences and workshops, the undertaking of competitive research and development projects funded by the European Commission or by other international or national bodies, etc.

The Laboratory is a pioneer in promoting innovation within the scientific community and in connecting its research results with society. To date, the Laboratory has secured competitive funding for more than 200 research projects, while more than 1,000 scientific publications have been produced. The Head and members of the Laboratory have been invited to deliver distinguished talks and have received awards for their publications. The results of the Laboratory's research are reflected in the development of more than 130 interactive systems available to the general public through over than 50 installations used by hundreds of thousands of visitors in Greece and abroad in museums and cultural sites, airports, ports, exhibition spaces, banks and stores, promoting cultural heritage, the natural environment, education, entertainment, etc.

The Head of the Laboratory was a co-founder of the European Design for All e-Accessibility Network (EDeAN) and the founder of the corresponding National Network GR-DeAN. He was also the Editor-in-Chief of the White Paper outlining the roadmap for future European initiatives regarding the goal of "Design for All", digital accessibility and the inclusion of people with disabilities and the elderly in the "Information and Knowledge Society".

In addition, the Head of the Laboratory actively contributed to shaping the European Commission’s (EC) policies on Research and Development in the context of the Information Society, either as a member of EU expert groups or as a National Representative in the Management Committees of successive Framework Programs for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

At the same time, the Head of the Laboratory contributed to the introduction of the field into University education. At the beginning of the ‘90s he organized the teaching of the first courses in the scientific field of Human-Computer Interaction in Greek Universities (Department of Computer Science of the University of Crete and the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), while over the last decade, he is the responsible Professor for the Summer School on 'Human-Computer Interaction' organized annually by the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH for students of the University of York in Canada. He has supervised numerous doctoral dissertations (16), master theses (67) and diploma theses (123).

White papers and monographs

Garibay, O.O., Winslow, B., Andolina, S., Antona, M., Bodenschatz, A., Coursaris, C., Falco, G., Fiore, S.M., Garibay, I., Grieman, K., Havens, J.C., Jirotka, M., Kacorri, H., Karwowski, W., Kider, J., Konstan, J., Koon, S., Lopez-Gonzalez, M., Maifeld-Carucci, I., McGregor, S., Salvendy, G., Shneiderman, B., Stephanidis, C., Strobel, C., Holter, C.T., & Xu, W. (2023). Six Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Grand Challenges. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 39(3), White Paper, Open Access Article, published online: 2 January 2023.
Stephanidis, C., Salvendy, G., Antona, M., Chen, J.Y.C., Dong, J., Duffy, V.G., Fang, X., Fidopiastis, C., Fragomeni, G., Fu, L.P., Guo, Y., Harris, D., Ioannou, A., Jeong, K., Konomi, S., Krömker, H., Kurosu, M., Lewis, J.R., Marcus, A., Meiselwitz, G., Moallem, A., Mori, H., Nah, F.F-H., Ntoa, S., Rau, P-L.P., Schmorrow, D., Siau, K., Streitz, N., Wang, W., Yamamoto, S., Zaphiris, P., & Zhou, J. (2019). Seven HCI Grand Challenges. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(14), 1229-1269, White Paper, Open Access Article, published online: 1 July 2019.
Monograph: Design for All
Stephanidis, C. (2014). In M. Soegaard & R.F. Dam (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (2nd ed.). Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation.
Klironomos, I., Antona, M., Basdekis, I., Stephanidis, C., Aalykke, S., Adams, R., Allen, B., Aspelund, H., Bergerud, Buene, T., Broeders, M., Bühler, C., Emiliani, P.-L., Engelen, J., Gappa, H., Kempainen, E., Knops, H., Lepp, Ü., Lhotska, L., Loide, E., Mathiassen, N.E., Miesenberger, K., O'Neill, H., Pacenka, L., Pereira, C., Pustisek, M., Restall, B., Rodriguez–Porrero, C., Sidaras, S., Lányi, C.S., Šimšík, D., Soede, T., Sundblad, Y., Tahkokallio, P., Tjader, C., Whitney, G., Wiman, R., Winberg, F., Velasco, C., & Vigoroux, N. (2006). White Paper: Promoting Design for All and e-Accessibility in Europe. Universal Access in the Information Society, 5(1), 105-119.
Stephanidis, C., Salvendy, G., Akoumianakis, D., Arnold, A., Bevan, N., Dardailler, D., Emiliani, P.-L., Iakovidis, I., Jenkins, P., Karshmer, A., Korn, P., Marcus, A., Murphy, H.J., Oppermann, C., Stary, C., Tamura, H., Tscheligi, M., Ueda, H., Weber, G., & Ziegler, J. (1999). Toward an Information Society for All: HCI challenges and R&D recommendations. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 11(1), 185-28, White Paper, published online: 13 November 2009.
Stephanidis, C., Salvendy, G., Akoumianakis, D., Bevan, N., Brewer, J., Emiliani, P.-L., Galetsas, A., Haataja, S., Iakovidis, I., Jacko, J.A., Jenkins, P., Karshmer, A., Korn, P., Marcus, A., Murphy, H.J., Stary, C., Vanderheiden, G., Weber, G., & Ziegler, J. (1998). Toward an Information Society for All: An International R&D Agenda. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 10(2), 107-134, White Paper
White paper: Report of the Strategic Requirements Board
Charlier, P., Delvaux, A., Devlies, J.H., Eriksson, H., Gremy, F., Hickey, K.J., Micossi, P., Monteagudo, J.L., Rossing, N., Sanderson, G., Sannes, I., Smedema, K., Stephanidis, C., Tolppanen, E-M., Van Bemmel, J.H., Van Eimeren , W, Vöge, K., Healy, J.C., Karp, P., Lacombe, J., Atkinson, P., Martinelli, L., & Baig, S.S. (1997). Report of the Strategic Requirements Board. Telematics Applications Programme, Sector Health Care.
White paper: Universal Access to Telecommunication Services in Europe - The Guy Cobut report
Stephanidis, C. (1994). Universal Access to Telecommunication Services in Europe - The Guy Cobut report. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission DG XIII COST 219 project (58 pages).
White paper: Access to Graphical User Interfaces by blind people
Stephanidis, C., Savidis, A., Homatas, G., Spyridou, N., Sfyrakis, M., & Weber, G. (1991). Access to Graphical User Interfaces by blind people. Sponsored by the European Commission DG XII Concerted Action Programme on Technology and Blindness of the COMAC-BME. UK: RNIB (ISBN 0-901797-64-2, 68 pages).

Edited Books

Book set: "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032369921]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032369921]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032370019]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032370026]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032370033]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032370040]
Book Series "Human-Computer Interaction: Foundations and Advances”
Editors: Constantine Stephanidis, Gavriel Salvendy
Set ISBN: 9781032750842, Ships after Aug. 12, 2024
[ISBN: 9781032370057]
Dong, J., Fu, P., Rau, P., Stephanidis, C., & Salvendy, G. (Eds.) (2021). Human-Computer Interaction - 6th Ed. (in Chinese). P.R. China: Tsinghua Press (398 pages, ISBN: 978-7-302-58948-8).
Stephanidis, C. (Ed.). (2009). The Universal Access Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis (ISBN: 978-0-8058-6280-5, 1.034 pages).
Publisher: CCRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
ISBN: 978-0-8058-6280-5 June 2009
Stephanidis, C. (Ed.). (2001). User Interfaces for All - Concepts, Methods, and Tools. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (ISBN 0-8058-2967-9, 760 pages)

Chief Editing of International Scientific Journals

International journal of Human-Computer Interaction published by Taylor & Francis since 1984, co-edited by Constantine Stephanidis and Gavriel Salvendy, ISSN: 1044-7318 (Print) ISSN: 1532-7590 (Online). Impact Factor 4.920 (2021)
International journal "Universal Access in the Information Society" Springer published by Springer since 2001 , ISSN: 1615-5289 (Paper) 1615-5297 (Online), indexed by ISI Thomson from 2009. Impact Factor 2.629 (2021).

Organization of International Workshop and Conferences Series

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International), the largest International Conference in the domain of HCI, with more than 2000 participants from all over the world.
"Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction" Conference, held (since 2001) in conjunction with the HCI International Conference series. Editorship of the related Conference Proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.