The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas (FORTH) participates at the Annual Meeting for stakeholders and specialists in eHealth ecosystems, Dhealth Conference 2017 that will be held at Technopolis City of Athens – Gazi, on the 19th and 22nd October, 2017.
The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas (FORTH) participates at the Annual Meeting for stakeholders and specialists in eHealth ecosystems, Dhealth Conference 2017 that will be held at Technopolis City of Athens – Gazi, on the 19th and 22nd October, 2017. Alongside, ICS participates in the 17th International HL7 Interoperability Conference - IHIC 2017 that will be held back-to-back to the Dhealth Conference, from the 22nd to the 24th October 2017 in the same place. The Conference addresses interoperability in the health and social care domain. IHIC provides an interface between science, research and practice with regards to share experiences and best practices.
More information in, and in Greek Press Release.