The INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services (INGEOCLOUDS) project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of employing a cloud-based infrastructure coupled with the necessary services to provide seamless access to geospatial public sector information, especially targeting the geological, geophysical and other geoscientific information. This kind of information possesses interesting characteristics like the size of the available data, the existing metadata descriptions (mostly according to the European Directive INSPIRE) and the current availability of related services that can be moved to the cloud. Among the project partners there are many with such data and services available under more traditional infrastructures that can be easily deployed to the cloud. One of the project challenges would be the linking of the partners data among themselves and with relevant external datasets. On top of the basic cloud services the project plans to demonstrate the ability to built more intelligent services by using and combining data seamlessly integrated through the cloud. Based on the gained experience, the project will provide guidelines in order to support the partners and other takeholders of public information in their efforts to move more of their services and data to the cloud in order to decide the best possible roadmap, the requirements of the underlying infrastructure that will be chosen as a host, the requirements for the services and the possible pros and cons of these choices. In summary we plan to provide the necessary documentation, the related analysis, the roadmap and a set of working services to support organizations that need to move large amounts of public sector information to the cloud. The service-based infrastructure created by the project can survive the pilot and demonstration phases since the partners plan to integrate it in their infrastructure and various charge-on-demand financial models can be employed to support it.