Prediction of Congestion and Incidents in Real Time For Intelligent Incident Management and Emergency Traffic Management
PRIME aims to improve road safety on motorways and adjacent urban networks by increasing the effectiveness of incident detection and incident management through the development of innovative methods. The project will build on recent achievements in the management of incidents and road emergencies in related EU projects, particularly IN-RESPONSE, and will enhance the complete incident and road emergency management chain. The innovative methods include improvements in the dynamic prediction, detection, and verification of incidents. These provide benefits to the traffic management controller and facilitate the integration of high-level technologies now reaching the marketplace. The new methods also address the integration of motorway and urban incident management technologies which leads to improved overall incident management and safety. A prototype will be developed including databases, models and algorithms to be tested off-line (using data collected from three EU sites) and on-line (using data from two EU sites). Evaluation will include separate testing of each prototype module, (detection, prediction and verification) and a simulation tool will evaluate the system components.