The main objective of this project is the creation of a prototype, continuously evolving, electronic database, which will provide access to information regarding individuals (intellectuals, writers, politicians, artists, militaries, etc.) - greeks and others - whose activities are associated with modern greek history.
The project will use as source material the one that has been collected - a result of twenty years research - by the project manager Alexis Politis, professor at the Department of Modern Greek Literature in the University of Crete. The material consists of a collection of already processed entries - in simple paper cards - and a corpus of gathered resources whose processing will provide a considerable amount of new entries.
There exist approximately 10,000 ready entries which relate to 3,000 personalities active during the 19th century. These entries record either special studies in magazines, newspapers, etc. or monographies, or precise references in general books. Another 2,000 to 5,000 entries are expected to derive from the elaboration of the corpus of gathered resources.
The collection focuses on less celebrated personalities. The material tries to cover the period from 1453 until today, focusing on the subperiod 1750-1920.
The Centre for Cultural Informatics is responsible for the electronic management of the material and the design and implementation of the information base, in collaboration with the Automatization, Research &Development scientific team of the Library of the University of Crete. The implementation of the information base will be based on the Semantic Index System (SIS), which has been developed at ICS-FORTH and "PTOLEMAIOS II", the system used in the Library of the University of Crete.